General Compliance Assessments

Today’s world is full of regulations. Regulatory frameworks are tightening on both international and national levels, prompting industry or area specific guidelines. Of these, the majority are obligatory, and your organization must simply comply with them. Is this a necessary evil, or do you believe that appropriate compliance equals stronger business? In our view, the solution is broader than just developing a solid compliance system to avoid fines and legal troubles. We focus on creating efficient compliance solutions in a rational framework, while covering the main risks and building a reputation for trustworthiness. This saves time and resources so that businesses can grow and maximize their opportunities.

Compliance Systems Setup & Restructuring Advisory

Concerning what corporate governance stands for, opinions differ. It relates not just to compliance but is a vital framework that influences a company’s overall performance, reputation, and ability to thrive in a competitive market. Strong corporate governance underpins not only the appropriate organization of roles and responsibilities, but also efficiency, integrity, ethics, and transparency. These are especially important in various stages of business transactions and integrations. We can help create viable and effective compliance systems or bring them to an up-to-date form.

Regulatory Requirements Consultancy

Wherever your business is active, you get hit by regulations. To help navigate and handle these challenges while safeguarding you and your business partners’ reputations, we are your trusted around the frameworks of ABAC, UK Bribery Act and FCPA for corruption, AML for money laundering, CFIUS for US investments, or DORA/NIS2 for data and cybersecurity, and many others. We will defend your company’s integrity, so you can concentrate on business and smooth operations.

ESG Assistance

Nowadays, ESG is not a swearword anymore; organisations feel ever more need to live it- not only for compliance and reporting purposes, but also so that their whole culture can be up-to-date with ESG trends and potentially gather its benefits, such as access to more beneficial financing, or an enhanced customer or vendor base. Therefore, we help you to address the particular areas of each of the magic letters E.S.G., and help you implement the optimal approach and procedures to satisfy compliance and live by ESG values.

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