Online leasing company theft

For a company leasing motor vehicles online we performed an asset tracing and recovery exercise after they suspected some of their leased cars had been stolen. Applying sophisticated methods of online GPS detection, combined with business intelligence on the involved entities and individuals, we established that three of the high-price cars were moving in Ukraine

For a company leasing motor vehicles online we performed an asset tracing and recovery exercise after they suspected some of their leased cars had been stolen.

Applying sophisticated methods of online GPS detection, combined with business intelligence on the involved entities and individuals, we established that three of the high-price cars were moving in Ukraine and ex-USSR states. Our data analytics team forensically analysed the online tracking data gathered from the vehicles and prepared a full track of the cars´ trajectories. We initiated on-the-ground detective work to confirm the locations of the cars physically. Although two of the traces ended in Kazakhstan and Belarus, the third vehicle was located in Ukraine, already fraudulently registered there. The client obtained a detailed report, enabling them to recover the vehicle, but also including practical steps to strengthen their risk management procedures and prevent such occurrences in the future.